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Chemin de Fer Is Like A Coaster

[ English ]

Pontoon is a game that reminds me a little of a rollercoaster. It is a game that begins slow but progressively gets quicker. As you build up your chips, you feel like you are getting to the top of the coaster and then when you do not anticipate it, the bottom drops out.

Blackjack is very much like a rollercoaster the similarities are frightening. As with the popular fair ride, your twenty-one game will peak and things will be going well for a time before it bottoms out again. You have to be a blackjack player that can adjust favorably to the highs and lows of the game because the game of chemin de fer is full of them.

If you prefer the small rollercoaster, one that doesn’t go too high or quickly, then bet small. If you find the only way you can enjoy the adventure is with a larger wager, then jump on board for the ride of your life on the huge rollercoaster. The high roller will enjoy the view from the monster rollercoaster because he or she isn’t thinking of the drop as they rush head first to the top of the game.

A success goal and a loss restriction works well in black jack, but very few players stick to it. In blackjack, if you "get on the coaster" as it’s going up, that’s fantastic, but when the cards "go bad" and the rollercoaster starts to twist and turn, you had better get out in a hurry.

If you don’t, you will not realize how much you enjoyed the view while your money was "up". The only thing you’ll remember is a tonne of uncertainties, an exciting ride and your head in the sky. As you are thinking on "what might have beens" you won’t remember how "high up" you went but you’ll recall that demoralizing drop as clear as day.

Blackjack can be a very beatable casino game. It is a game of highs, a casino game of lows and where it will halt is completely up to you and proficient you can calculate whether to get off the rollercoaster or remain on the ride.

Posted in Blackjack.

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