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Twenty-One Essential Basics – Part 1

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The general premise of the card game is to be handed cards adding up to twenty one. Every player is dealt 2 cards. When a blackjack player is dealt a nine or lower value card and an Ace they’ve been handed a soft hand. When the blackjack player is dealt no Ace cards it is called as a hard hand. As soon as the cards have been dealt every player at the table, which includes the dealer, each blackjack player is provided the chance to make 1 of six choices:

Requesting another card (Hit): When a black jack player says "hit" the croupier will give him another card, if the addition of that card causes the value of the hand to exceed 21 the gambler will have lost and be excluded from the game, if the card pushes the value of the hand to 21 the blackjack player wins and if the value of the hand has not yet achieved twenty one they are still in the game.

Keeping the hand you’ve been given: If a blackjack player is happy with the hand they will stand. As soon as this has happened the croupier will disclose their cards and the gambler who has accumulated twenty one or the closet to twenty-one will acquire a win.

Doubling Down: A gambler might request to double down which increases the wager by 100% they have made. As soon as you have taken this action you can only be given one additional card. The details of doubling down are usually specified by the table or casino rules so before gambling be certain you are comfortable with the casino established rules. If you are gambling at a web betting house this is usually very easy.

Stay tuned for part two.

Posted in Blackjack.

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